These are deppressing day...

By Aesir, Posted 18 Nov 2009

Yah it is.

I've been all sad and emotal the late couple days.

Like whenever someone says a putdown to me I feel like I'm gonna get all emotional for some reason.

I just HATE when that happens.  Cause I don't wan't to be emmbarrassed in front of my friends or a girl I like>_>


I'm also deppressed ( sad ) about my lack of friends.  It seems that my friend list is growing smaller and small in R.L. 

It sucks-_-


But I know that you all are one of the only couple supports I have here.


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  • avatar RON

    Whatever they say to you, don't take it to your heart. And, if anyone tries to put you down, then you should fight back. Specially if this happens in front of the girl you like.

    Cheer up and take off your emotion mate. This isn't a guy stuff to do ;)

    Posted Nov 18, 2009
  • I definitely agree with Ron. Just letting people walk all over you will only make you more depressed. Stand up for yourself!

    Posted Nov 19, 2009
  • Make more friends brother! Friends are a huge support..

    & of course dont let people put you down; always think you have some friends here

    Posted Nov 19, 2009
  • Those aren't your real friends. Cause they let someone else to put you down in front of them. So, don't feel bad.


    Posted Nov 19, 2009
  • I agree with Ron. You should've fight back and do the same they did to you. Trust me, this will make you feel a lot better.

    Posted Nov 19, 2009
  • Ron and bizzy pretty much said what I wanted to. Stay strong.

    Posted Nov 20, 2009
  • Those guys who put you down aren't your true friends and you certainly deserve better. Stand up for yourself and don't take their words to heart as people like them take pride in putting people down. Stay strong and be yourself, you'll make more friends in no time.

    Posted Nov 20, 2009

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