
By Aesir, Posted 15 Nov 2009

See my banner guys?

Yah it's basshunter.

( one of the greatest swedish singers ever ) >_>.

Once again I appoligize of my absence.  I have been away camping for the weekend and I didn't feel like getting much on ( on the weekdays ).


I had to finish a stupid personal experience paper.  A paper that you had to type a personal experience you had.  Well I'm totally terrible about writing stuff about myself>_>  I just don't wan't to make a fool of my self anymore.


I also had a " It's my life " presentation due.  We had to have 12 slides full of events in our life.  Happily I finished mine 2 weeks ago-_-.

I've been really busy lately also+_+

HERE'S A AWESOME THINGY!!!!  I GOT A A+ on my advanced math class test on friday>_>

Also I am here to celebrate my 50th post>_>

My first accomplishment I got here in half a year(=



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  • avatar RON

    Congrats for all your achievements mate :) So, what was the personal experience you wrote about?

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • Nice banner Aesir.Smile

    And congrats on getting A+ in's the only subject I nva get bored of.Tongue out

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • What kind of music genre does Basshunter sing ? Any particular songs we may listen first? Well done on your marks on math test and for your 50 posts as well :D

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • @ ron: River rafting

    @Nirvana: Thanks, math rules


    1) Dance

    2) Dota and Boten Anna

    3) Thanks

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • Very nice banner Aesir :) Thanks for introducing the singer. else I was going to ask you about him. And, many many congrats for all your achievements :) And, it great to see you've started being active here :D

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • Congrats mate and a nice banner :)

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • banner is cool & congratZ on A+ in maths

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Sounds interesting. My kind of stuff :D How big was your writeup? Is it possible to share there?

    Posted Nov 16, 2009

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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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