Modern Warfare 3!

By pantrabd, Posted 11 Nov 2009


Just finished playing Modern Warfare 2, totally speachless. Gameplay,Story,Presentation in one word- Outstanding. One thing for sure i can tell you now is Modern Warfare 3 is coming and it is coming really soon. i've waited 7hrs in this cold night of london outside of HMV store for this copy god knows how long i have to wait when next sequel will hit the shops.

*Modern Warfare 3 Sneak peak (kinda funny):



Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks



comments powered by Disqus
  • Modern Warfare 3... Hardened version... with a Stinger missile launcher... only at $99 :P :P :P

    Posted Nov 12, 2009
  • It's only a teaser...I don't believe until I saw it. :P

    P.S. Thanks for the invite for a MW2 game, but I don't have it...yet.

    Posted Nov 12, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Just came home with a copy of MW2 and installing while I'm posting this comment :D And, it's too early to dream about the 3. lol

    Posted Nov 12, 2009
  • its not too early RON, you will found out really soon, the gameplay is about 4-5Hrs, well may be 6-7hrs for your case.

    @canana: you should buy this game ASAP mate. you dont know what are you missing

    Posted Nov 12, 2009
  • Now that's creepy. MW3 already :D I'm halfway through the game and I'm loving it :D

    Posted Nov 12, 2009
  • Glad to hear that you had fun :) I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive.

    Posted Nov 13, 2009
  • lol funny video

    Posted Jan 03, 2010

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