Reaction sets

By Azure_Pixy, Posted 26 Oct 2009

A blog entry containing info regarding the reaction sets and stress.




Based upon expieriences since the last blog describing the sets in detail, a number of discoveries were made.


Sources of influence are more than just suppliers of positive or negative influence, but instead influience sets to re-surface that are associated with various personality traits. There appears to be little immediate harm in using various sets, as long as the sets affiliated with diffetent traits result in a balanced result, thus avoiding any mindsets (such as a strong-right wing mindset associated with the set associated with my father).


Using any set well cause stress. However, causing too much stress will result in the use of other sets, which in turn will lead to the use of more sets, until the stress level increases to the degree at which the majority of sets are not used and a minority of other sets; createdearlier in life; are used. The stress may result in various forms of harm being caused. As an example, my memory appears to have been impaired due to the above.


The martyr set may be a set buried deep within my psyche as a result of it being the first set created, or it may be an aspect of my actual personality. It may be an alternate personality, as a small degree of memory loss is expierienced after using or discontinuing use of the set. When active at the same time other sets are active, mental and physical damage may inflicted, though this may be reduced should less other sets be active as the martyr set is active. This is however based upon minimal expierience and theory.


I don't remember what else I intended to type, but I will post again tomorrow.

Users not familiar with the terms used in this entry, please read previous blog entries for details regarding the reaction sets and sources of influence.




I return to England tomorrow.


I am attempting to advertise NoobFeed by requesting help from NoobFeed users who also have Gamespot accounts to advertise the site through Gamespot blog entries. I will invite some users via email, though I cannot use the 'Invite Friends' feature, as it lacks Blueyonder as an email provider.

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  • Seems like a vicious cycle...

    I've tried getting friends from GS to join NoobFeed; but I only got 2. :( Anyone who hasn't joined NoobFeed yet probably never will.

    Posted Oct 27, 2009
  • My college has a very unfriendly community, and this is a major contribution to the rise in stress. I will post about this in greater detail in a new blog entry.

    Some Gamespot users were very adamant about not joining NoobFeed. :o

    Posted Oct 27, 2009
  • You seem to have put a lot of thoughts behind this and your idea about sets do make sense. I've been studying your blogs (last 3 including this one) and taking notes to prepare my suggestion for you. I might ask you few more questions through PM. Looking forward to your next entry...

    You must have liked this site a lot. I'm glad that you're thinking of inviting your friends here :)

    I wish you a safe journey to home :)

    Btw, why do you think some users don't want to join this site? NoobFeed maybe very small compared to Gamespot but it's community is way friendly and scare-free then theirs.

    Posted Oct 27, 2009
  • Yes, it has a very friendly community. :)

    Thank you. :)

    I say this because there were many users who read blog entries advertising NoobFeed, yet they refused to join on numerous occasions. I don't remember the user, but one user posted a comment in a blog entry advertising the site, which read:

    'Not joining. :P'

    Posted Oct 27, 2009

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