A nice person

By tanvir, Posted 16 Oct 2009

Hello friends, how are you all? I came back after long time as i was busy with my career related activities. Actually not that busy but I was under metal depression. Yesterday I have visited a nice person. I went to discuss about few of my career related problems and asked him to advice me. I had take launch with him at a restaurant called Boomers. We discussed about my problems and my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I had no proper support and when he supported me by saying that I’m on the right track to reach my destination and going to fulfill my dream; I felt great. He also promised me the support and I felt him like my own brother. I want to thank him for his support and I’ve made a promise that I won’t disappoint the plans we’ve discussed. 


Today I am writing the blog for only him. He is not only problem solution person; he also very friendly. His name is RON. If you ever get any chance to meet him in person; I can bet that you’ll admire him.

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  • wow! that's great to know you're following your dream! be on it!

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • I knew you'd like him. Nice to hear that you had good time meeting him :)

    Posted Oct 17, 2009

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