Going To Be Away For A Week

By VeKayElSee, Posted 13 Oct 2009

Hello :)

This is just really a short note to say that I may not be here for a week as we're going on holiday to my original birthplace in England, but I may be able to find some internet down there if I'm lucky, well, cya later :D

comments powered by Disqus
  • enjoy the holiday!

    Posted Oct 14, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Have a nice tour mate :)

    Posted Oct 14, 2009
  • Have fun there and be back soon :)

    Posted Oct 15, 2009
  • Thanks everyone :D

    Luckily I have found some internet but its terrible and on a laptop, which I hate, I can never use touchpads, but I'm not sure if I cab get on regurlary or not.

    Posted Oct 15, 2009
  • Something is always better than nothing ;)

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • Enjoy your holidays :D

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • Enjoy the holiday!

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • Thanks again all :d

    @ Tanya: I guess so :)

    Posted Oct 16, 2009
  • Enjoy your holiday mate :)

    Posted Oct 19, 2009
  • Cheers Sleven :)

    Posted Oct 19, 2009
  • typical, as soon as i join this site you leave

    Posted Oct 21, 2009
  • ^ He didn't leave. He's still in touch with us :)

    Posted Oct 22, 2009

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