Is that Mercus???

By Thresolder, Posted 10 Sep 2009

I heard that Gears of War is going to publish as a movie but wasn't sure about that. So I googled it & found many results. But the result I found in a site was the most surprising for me.



I never imagined that Batista could be in the Mercus role. When I 1st looked at the picture I thought that it's Mercus, but later I saw that it's Batista. I mean there's no difference in Mercus & Batista. The same look, same body.........everything matched perfectly. There's one more surprise I got.



The other one is Rock!!! I think the makers are making Gears of War's movie platform a WWE wrestling zone. Whatever people think of it, I'm eagerly waiting to see the movie. The release date hasn't officially published but it's been hoping to be in Spring 2010 or 2011.

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  • I’m not sure about the movie and this is one game which I haven’t played yet. I find it too much shooting for me to handle.

    Posted Sep 10, 2009
  • Yap, it's a li'l bit critical in game. But it's the BOSSSSSSS GAME!!! No other game can tackle this game!!!

    Posted Sep 10, 2009
  • Rock & Batista ? two of my favourites! WWE is doing good these days!

    Posted Sep 11, 2009
  • Mine's Rock. LOL!!! ^_^

    Posted Sep 11, 2009
  • my most fav is Undertaker. besides I like Kane, Batista, Rock, HHH

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • I think both Rock & Batista are good choices for a movie based on this game.

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • avatar RON

    He definitely doesn't look like Mercus ! This is work of photoshop I suppose. I haven't heard of the movie either.

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • @biZZy, too bad we cant see them all on any movies. Frown

    @Tanya, Batista is an excellent choice for the role of Mercus.

    @Ron, What r u saying dude??? Prince of Persia, World of Warcraft are also coming as a movie. They aren't still officially  released, that's all.

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • That's Batista. :o

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • Sounds interesting that two WWE wrestlers are gonna be in that movie, but I think I'll pass.

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • @ Thresolder : LOL you wanna see then all in one ? now that's gonna be a super crazy movie!

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • @biZZy, LOL. Agreed wid u. Laughing

    Posted Sep 12, 2009
  • He  looked like a beast every time I saw him wrestle inside the ring.

    Posted Sep 14, 2009
  • @ Tanya : everyone is beast in the ring. But you need to watch Boogyman pretty often! he's the best to girls!

    @ Thresolder : LOL who do think should be the hero & vilain ?

    Posted Sep 14, 2009
  • Well the hero is obviously Batista. But in game, villain was an alien so I'm not sure about the movie's villain. But it's confirmed that the actor has to dress up as an alien. Laughing

    Posted Sep 15, 2009
  • avatar RON

    That's great news then. I'd love to see a movie based on Warcraft :D

    Posted Sep 15, 2009
  • RockSurprised.....oooo lalalalaTongue out

    Posted Sep 15, 2009
  • I would certainly watch that!

    Posted Sep 17, 2009
  • Randy Orton wont be a bad choice as Villain

    Posted Sep 18, 2009
  • @biZZy, LOL. I think Undertaker would be a smart choice. Cause he's kind of villain in WWE. Tongue out

    Posted Sep 18, 2009

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