Journey to my Counter Strike

By Thresolder, Posted 06 Sep 2009


Well of course it's my 1st blog that I'm writing in Noobfeed. I registered here earlier(thanks to my very good friend Ron for his help) but couldn’t manage to buy some time for blogging here because I was busy for the WCG 09. Now it's over & I can start some blogging in noobfeed. 

1st of all let me introduce myself. My name is Shihan & I'm from Bangladesh. My gamer id is "$iN™" & I'm a player of Counter strike 1.6


My journey begins at 2008 when I 1st heard that there is a gaming cafe in Firmgate(at present it's not). 1 of my friend's cousin suggested visiting there. There I saw many players were playing Breakthrough & Counter strike through LAN. I really liked it at my 1st glance because it was my 1st time that I saw FPS Multiplayer game. After a while, me & my friends grabbed some sits & started playing Breakthrough. I enjoyed very much at that moment. After a while, my friend's cousin insisted to play Counter strike. When we played it for the 1st time, we found this game very difficult. We realized that playing FPS game alone in home & playing it with other human players has a very big differences. 


After a few days later, we heard that WCG 08 was coming. My friend was very excited to go there. This time he decided to go to the Counter strike tourney. But he needed 4 more players as a team to go to the tourney. He proposed me to join his team. I gladly accepted his proposal. He gave me the game & told me to practice hard. 5 days to go for the tourney. I practiced heart & soul to give my best shot in the tourney. At the time of registration I lost my 500 taka as it was stolen by a street thief. I was very upset then. But I didn't lose hope. I continued to practice hard. At last the day came & we were ready to kick some ass in the tourney. Our 1st match was with BD's 3rd strongest Counter strike team XBK. We felt very sad because we knew that this team was going to beat us for sure! But I wasn't. I determined that I would try my best. 


When the match started we played hard but in the end we lost by 16-1. When the match ended the leader of the XBK told that I played very well than the others of my team. My team was surprised hearing this. In the second match we again lost in 16-7. We managed to win the third round by 16-3. In the last match, I gave the most extraordinary performance. My other members were shocked because they were more experienced players than me. They thought that how come a 5 days player improved so well in CS. When the WCG event ended everyone in the team praised me for my brilliant performance. We learned many things in the tourney. We decided to make a professional team. Finally they managed to build up a team. But alas! I couldn't manage to join their team because of my study. 


In the year 2009, I finally got myself in a team where my school friends were present. Then we practiced together & fought some battles with some teams. One day we fought with a famous CS team named "UN:NAMED". We thought that we going to beat them for sure but we didn't. They just kicked our ass with no pressure. We thought that we were almost pro players. After that match our team broke up. Since then I'm looking for a strong CS team. By this time, I found that there are many gamers in BD but there are no dedicated gamers like other countries. I'm not telling that gamers have to play for a long time. I'm just asking for a period of time like 3-4 hrs. Our country has one problem. People ran after those things which are mostly benefitted for them. They always think about money. They think that playing games doesn't income money. But if we look at the other countries, we can clearly see that many people are earning money & fame only by playing or creating games. 


There's another problem. Most People of BD cannot think of themselves. They always depend on others. XL is the BD's strongest team in CS. Many gamers plan to join with them & follow their tactics & rules. I ask them that why is it necessary? Don’t you have brains? Are you nuts or like a computer BOT??? I have no respect for these gamers. I think BD has a great scope for developing games. BD also has a future in Counter Strike. We can still be on top chart in the World Ranking Board. So if there's a CS player who’s looking for hope & read my blog, please realize the situation. Join with me & we can lead a future for this country without the help of XL.


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  • First of all, welcome to NoobFeed Sin. I’ve been waiting for your arrival for quite a long and I’m happy to see you’ve finally joined us. It’s great to have such a dedicated gamer like you on board with us.

    Now, regarding your CS experience; I think you’ve made a great progress in your gaming life through this game. You sound very confident about yourself and the team you’re planning to build for future competition. I’ve been to WGC (visited only btw) and seen lots of potential gamers going to waste because our country doesn’t have proper gaming structure. But I’m not worried about it. A lot of gamers have come forward and working to make progress of our gaming infrastructures. Hopefully in few years time, we’ll be able to play games online and that surely will boost up our quality and passion.

    Finally, it’s nice to know a bit about yourself and your passion. We also have some great gamers in this community but not too many from BD btw. It’ll be great if you spread out the word and bring some of your good pals over here. Enjoy your stay at NoobFeed Sin and have a great great time over here :)

    Note: One of the moderators has edited your blog with my request and I hope it looks better now.

    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • Thnx for the awsum comment Tanya. Speaking of online, it has already started but hasn't gone so famous. Most of the players in BD are playing in gg(Garena). But the best part is, 90% of them are DOTA players.Yell So you can see that CS players of BD aren't having a chance to highlight themselves.

    & as for BD members, I'm here now. So I can recruit some people who can prove valuable to Noobfeed. Smile

    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • welcome to NF shihan; enjoy the site!

    & we are looking forward to your recruitment !

    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • avatar RON

    So, the legendary Sin has finally made his time for NoobFeed. Awesome. It’s great to have you with us mate. Welcome :)

    I retired from professional gaming after my shocking performance during WCG 07. Though I wasn’t competing for CS. But I always kept my eyes open for the updates and happenings and later on when I came to know that CS was introduced at the WCG, I was very happy. CS and DOTA should be announced as our national games; as so MANY of our gamers are simply addicted to them. But shockingly their performance isn’t really upto the mark. I went to Uttara gamecafe last month and played CS with bunch of college guys ( they claim to be the best of our city ) and I laughed at their performance. No wonder whey BD doesn't do well outside the country. I totally agree with your bolded comment. Every team has to build up their own strategy and tactics and have to take gaming as a profession. Else, we’ll always live in the dark age.

    Once again, Good to have you here pal. I haven’t seen too many CS fans out there in this site but you surely will enjoy the community here.

    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • @bizzy, thnx mate. Wish me luck! Hey why dont you add me as ur frnd. Since um new here & got only 2 friends. Tongue out

    @RON, 1st of all, I'm not legendary, dude. I'm still not so a tough gamer. Laughing You are right. CS & DOTA should be announced as national games. Do you know why normal people are curious bout cricket??? Because we have a future in it & the players are getting chance to highlight themselves. This isn't happening for the gamers. I think games has now become a modern & future sport. So BD should think bout it. Btw, which game did you participated in WCG 07???



    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • LOL welcome & good luck ! who said you are new ? you joined 3 days before me. I also dont have so many friends. anyway ADDED!
    Posted Sep 06, 2009
  • It’ll be nice to have you helping this site with the recruitment. Though sometime it’s disappointing to see the quality of most BD users when it comes to international communities. That’s one of the reasons we don’t have too many BD users. But those who are here are simply very good.

    I’m eagerly waiting for the online facilities. I hope the works needed to be done finish quickly. There are many games which I want to try online. AoE is one of them :D

    Posted Sep 07, 2009
  • avatar RON

    haha. Who knows! Maybe in future they will get the national game titles. Not only by gaming but people can earn money by writing reviews, previews and other gaming related contents.  The infrastructure needs to be sorted properly and more entrepreneurs like me have to invest in this segment. Else we won’t see much progress in our gaming segment.

    Posted Sep 07, 2009
  • @BiZZy, so what??? You started writing from the very beginning. & now u r lvl 22!!! Surprised

    @Tanya, try DOTA in garena. It's much fun then AoE. If you like FPS then you can join You'll find the best CS players in there. Smile

    @RON, agree with you.

    Posted Sep 07, 2009
  • yes i have been regular right from the word go!

    be regular & you'll be at higher levels in no time !

    Posted Sep 07, 2009
  • Ok. I’ll take a look at there. Even thought  I love FPS but I’m more into Tomb Raider and PoP type game, not much into shooting stuff.

    Posted Sep 08, 2009
  • Welcome to the NoobFeed family Shihan :) Nice story on how you got into online gaming :) The last paragraph is the one I found pretty interesting too. Personally I've never joined any kind of clans to play a game (especially in Resistance 2), because I've always believed that when you 're a good player, why not help everyone. The tactics are created by people and if some have made a couple of good moves, why don't you create your own moves? :)

    Posted Sep 08, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Indeed you do :) Looking forward to your next blog. You’ve made some good impact with your very first one.

    Posted Sep 08, 2009
  • Yet another gamer from out.a very warm welcome to NoobFeed Shihan.Laughing

    Hope to see you more often.Smile

    Posted Sep 08, 2009

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