


1/4 pint/150ml natural yogurt 
2 ounces/50g ground almonds 
1 1/2 tsp chili powder 
1/4 tsp crushed bay leaves 
1/4 tsp ground cloves 
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
1 tsp garam masala 
4 green cardamom pods 
1 tsp ginger pulp 
1 tsp garlic pulp 
14 ounce/400g can tomatoes
1 1/4 tsp salt 
2 pounds/1kg chicken, skinned, boned and cubed
3 ounces/75g butter 
1 tbsp corn oil 
2 medium onions, sliced 
2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped
4 tbsp cream


How to make butter chicken :

  • Place the yogurt, ground almonds, all the dry spices, ginger, garlic, tomatoes and salt in a mixing bowl and blend together thoroughly.
  • Put the chicken into a large mixing bowl and pour over the yogurt mixture.
  • Set aside. Melt together the butter and oil in a medium karahi, wok or frying pan. Add the onions and fry for about 3 minutes. Add the chicken mixture and stir-fry for about 7 to 10 minutes.
  • Stir in about half of the coriander and mix well. Pour over the cream and stir in well. Bring to the boil. Garnish the indian butter chicken with the remaining chopped coriander to serve the chicken curry.

 This is one of my most favourite dishes.Hope you all like it.Smile

Also on a side note...I've reached Level 25.Tongue out


Love NoobFeed.Love you all.




comments powered by Disqus
  • yes this is delicious!!!

    & congratZ on reaching a new level

    Posted Aug 31, 2009
  • I prefer roast chicken ,still that sounds like a good meal. Good job for the new level. :)

    Posted Aug 31, 2009
  • @biZZy-Thanks..SmileTry the one in's awesome..Tongue out.

    @canana-Try it once,you'll love it.Tongue out

    Posted Aug 31, 2009
  • Yogurt? Sounds interesting....

    Posted Aug 31, 2009
  • Lol that looks good :D mmm :D

    Posted Sep 01, 2009
  • @Din-ThanksSmile

    @azn_pride-hihihi..thanks.Tongue out

    Posted Sep 01, 2009
  • One of my most favorite recipes :o I love this food :D

    Posted Sep 01, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Hei! I thought we had a deal :o No posting recipes unless I approve them in real life :P

    Posted Sep 01, 2009
  • Yogurt and chili powder... hmm... :D Seriously now, it looks delicious. I'd really want to try it, but there's no one willing to cook it for me (surely if I ask mom, she'll go nuts :P )... Ow, and congratz for the levelup!

    Posted Sep 01, 2009
  • @Tanya-I love this food too..Laughing mistake...Tongue out

    @Daktary-Thanks a lotLaughing.Try making it yourself then.Tongue out

    Posted Sep 02, 2009
  • Alas, I lack the skills to do that :( I should really search for tutorials on this problem :P

    Posted Sep 02, 2009
  • Watch cooking progammes.Tongue out

    Posted Sep 02, 2009
  • Good ideea! :D TY! Wink

    Posted Sep 02, 2009
  • lol..WCTongue out

    Posted Sep 02, 2009
  • *Writes down recipie and goes to cook* Thanks a lot Nirvana :)

    Posted Sep 04, 2009
  • You're welcome ILIAS.Smile

    Posted Sep 05, 2009

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