Its time to meet Major Tom

By Major_Tom, Posted 21 Feb 2009

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Tom and I'll be enlivening your internet experience for the foreseeable future. First a little about me. I'm 17 years old, have been gaming for the last 8 years (started playing Wing Commander on the PC before moving into consoles) and have been posting on internet forums for the last 4 years. I started on Gamespot Undecided where I encountered the dalf as I lurked. I followed an interesting looking link in his blog to a new site that he was involved in. That site was..... Not this one! It was, in fact, Gamers Perspective, where I have happily lived out the last 2 years online, creating a rather big postcount and writing some articles and reviews for the main site. Then, a couple of days ago, I followed another interesting message from the dalf to this very site, which immediately grabbed my attention by being damned slick. The community here is obviously very young and not everyone knows each other, but I have a feeling that it could get pretty good and the content in the news and blogs is of a high quality. So I guess I'll stick around.

Off the internet, I'm in 6th form, studying Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Philosophy/Ethics, after school, I want to train as a doctor, so no pressure to get straight A's or anything.Yell I play basketball whenever I get the chance, watch a lot of TV and of course, I spend rather too much time online (though this has decreased in inverse proportion to the amount of school work I get).

So thats me, nice to meet you all, hopefully I'll be blogging again in 12 months to say how great the last year on here has been.


P.s: I very nearly posted this with the title "Its time to meet Snake-Drinker." That is the name that I use on every other website, on the off chance that any of you have posted with me before.

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  • avatar RON

    very nice to have you with us Tom. and specially very nice to know about you. as you have a very good experience with community works, i'll hope that you'll help us to grow better.

    i knew you from GS btw but we never talked. hopefully we’ll know each other well over here. and i'll look forward to read more of your blogs in future :)

    Posted Feb 22, 2009
  • Are you STILL stalking me!? Surprised
    Haha, just kidding mate. You know i'm made-up you're here. I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Here's hoping your level and your post count rise here too, because you're great to have around.
    A true online friend.

    Posted Feb 24, 2009
  • Nice meeting to Tom Smile

    Posted Mar 01, 2009
  • Hello Tom. I am also from Gamespot.

    Posted Mar 15, 2009
  • Nice to meet you Tom :)

    Posted May 08, 2009

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