is it just me?

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  • If you are having any issues, please report your problem in the bug report board. .)

    Posted Aug 21, 2009
  • The forums are slow indeed.

    Posted Aug 22, 2009
  • Its working fine for me.

    Posted Aug 22, 2009
  • I'm not finding it slow..may be it's your Internet connection.Smile

    Posted Aug 22, 2009
  • Only the forums are slow for me.

    Posted Aug 22, 2009
  • Forum has always been slow as compared to other features. i dont see any difference with the last few days.

    Posted Aug 22, 2009
  • avatar RON

    What's your internect connection or speed mate?

    Posted Aug 23, 2009
  • Forums are slow when we 're logged in but run smoothly when we 're not.

    Posted Aug 23, 2009
  • I find it ok. Forum is a bit slower than the other sections. Though the site takes some good amount of time to load for the first time and then it's all good.

    Posted Aug 24, 2009
  • You're the third person I know of.  Dcpc10 (doesn't post much) and I have the same issues and both of us have high speed and this is basically the only site we have issues with loading times.  The main site itself is fine, it's the forums that for us can take a good while to load. 

    Posted Aug 28, 2009
  • Yes, it's just you.

    Posted Dec 30, 2009

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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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