• Introduction :)

    Category: Blogs, Posted 17 Feb 2011

    Hello there, I'm new here at NoobFeed and would like to intoruce myself. My names Jeremy, but

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User Reviews

Leo has decided that he doesn't want to review yet. Maybe he just needs a bit of inspiration!

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Average Joe
  • Last Login : 16 Feb, 2011
  • Member Since : 17 Feb 2011
  • Total Friends : 3
  • Posts : 1
  • Comments : 5
  • Blogs: 1
  • Reviews: 0
  • Tags: 0
  • Poll Votes: 3
  • Visited : 1
  • Name : Jeremy Sizemore
  • About me :

    Well I'm an 18 year old gamer that started with a PS1. I'm from the Midwest and been there all my life. I'm a shooter and RPG fan and most recently a big MMORPG fan. Especially RIFT which I'm looking forward to.

  • DOB : 27 Aug 1992
  • Gender : Male
  • Email : leothewalrus@hotmail.com
  • Country : United States