Fellow assassins, your loyalty will be compensated. Well, if you made a Uplay account when Ubisoft asked you to in one of their games. Or if you have a PlayStasion Plus account. If you have either of the aforementioned requirements, then you shall be rewarded with a chance to play the Multiplayer Beta of the newest game in the stealth franchise, Revelations.


The beta will start on September 3 and end on the 11th, giving players only a week to try it out.


Painful backstabbing inbound.


The beta, though short-lived, will include 9 characters with different animations and customizable abilities, 8 abilities, 3 maps and 4 game modes, these modes being Wanted, Manhunt, Artifact Assault and the good ol' Deathmatch.


Stay tuned for a Preview of the beta, which yours truly will do his best to be a part of.


Bruno Sampaio, NoobFeed

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  • I doubt I'll try do get in on it, I only get intrested in the games a year after they have been out.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • I don't care what they offer now. I'll have them all when the game will be released. I'm sayig this because I don't hae the previledge play it now :P

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • is this gonna be on xbox360? 

    Posted Aug 16, 2011

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