Steam Trade Goes Beta

By BrunoBRS, Posted 10 Aug 2011

It sounds revolutionary, but it isn't really. Steam, old friend from many users here and eternal supplier of digital games at deal price, is going through a beta of its new feature: Trade.


What does it do? Well, putting it simply, it allows users to grab an "unopened game" (be it a game you bought yourself but kept it "sealed" during checkout, be it a gift you haven't claimed yet) and trade it with someone else. it's basically re-gifting. It also works for Team Fortress 2's infamous hats, and Portal 2 will soon join the fun.


You have to admit, Gabe Newell knows what he's doing.


You can get more details on how it works, how to apply for the beta and much more at the Steam Trading Beta FAQ


Bruno Sampaio, NoobFeed

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  • I'm in the beta. I see that some things are changed, like the chat box. I haven't tried any trading yet though.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • Not much of a Steam user here. I can relax till the beta phase is gone and check out the full version of this new trade system. They haven't given much detail at their website though. On the other hand, I really like the new look of Steam.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • If it will allow me to get rid of some 2K games from the complete pack, I could seriously spread some joy around here. I have about 20 games I never installed on Steam.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • @Daavpuke *gasps* you actually bought that expensively awesome 2k pack from the summer deals? I want to trade joy!!!

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • @Dramus: You mean to say 'dirt and dirt cheap' and yes, it would've been a crime to not own up to 30 games, many which are valued at 30 bucks or more for merely 80 bucks. Once this trading business gets tweaked, I'll look into spreading some cheer.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • @Daavpuke sadly i wasted my moneys else where so i couldnt do much on that :(

    Posted Aug 11, 2011
  • @Dramus: Don't you feel stupid? I feel the same way now. Keep an eye on the news section in the next hour to find out why and how you have a chance to redeem yourself.
    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • @Daavpuke yea rub it in why dont cha. either way, i cant do much with Kalypso...kinda went overboard with my credit card buying some stuff so i have to bring it down before i can have some fun with it again lol.

    Posted Aug 12, 2011

  • I wish you could trade games that you have tried, but regretted buying. That makes more sense to me than just re-gifting...

    Darn it, Steam.

    Posted Aug 12, 2011

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