New 3DS Color Is Hot.

By BrunoBRS, Posted 10 Aug 2011

It's been a busy month for Japanese videogames manufacturer Nintendo, more specifically on the 3DS front. A few weeks from announcing a large price cut and the benefits program for early adopters (or "Ambassadors" ), the Nintendo 3DS gets a new color, named "Flame Red".


Can you guess why?


The Flame Red 3DS will be available shortly after the price cut, on September 9, already adjusted for the new price tag of US$170,00 (in the US).


Bruno Sampaio, NoobFeed

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  • Instead of painting the damn thing, they should concentrate on finally releasing a nice bundle. Really, Ninty, do we really need to wait until you can mash the plumber's face on everything?

    Posted Aug 10, 2011

  • @Daavepuke I agree with you just cause they change the color of the console it ain't exactly gonna boost there sales, you know what might? more titles for the console....make that a lot more titles ASAP!

    Posted Aug 10, 2011

  • My brothers going to be upset, he wanted the red one. Still, black is classy.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • The price seems really good. $150 would've been awesome. But is the price cut only for US @BrunoBRS ?

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • @Sleven - it's a worldwide price cut. in fact singapore got their cut yesterday.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • Really, Nintendo.

    How about you give those devs a move along with their titles, first? Or at least just give us Animal Crossing. Cheers.

    Also, Cosmo Black ftw.

    Posted Aug 12, 2011

  • I love the color, i would love it more if the system had more titles!  can't wait for my 20 free games! ;)

    Posted Aug 12, 2011

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