It should come to no surprise, but it's still kinda sad for users of online store/community/whatever-you-want-it-to-be Steam that Battlefield 3 won't be released on it. After all, EA (who publishes the game and owns the franchise) has just recently launched their own digital retail system, Origin, and EA games like Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2 have been silently (or so EA wished) taken from the competitor.


The announcement came in a rather passive-aggressive way, with EA listing all the digital retailers that will receive the game, Steam not being one of them.


If you, like me, were waiting for the Steam version, you might as well give up.


Battlefield 3 will come out on October 25, with the special edition being sold for no additional cost as long as you pre-purchase it. The edition includes, among other things, rebuilt versions of Battlefield 2's best maps.


Bruno Sampaio, NoobFeed

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  • Not really surprising, given EA's new world domination plan. Though, despite using Steam quite often, I'm fine with BF3 being an Origin only digital release, personally.

    A hard version of this game would be even better though, to be honest. There's just something nice about owning the disk and booklet and all the various other tidbits that come with it. Maybe that's just me? :P

    Posted Aug 05, 2011

  • Well that shows that EA thinks of Steam as a threat to their sales lol

    Posted Aug 05, 2011

  • @caityful - it's not an origin only. there are several online retailers that will be selling it, including, for example, direct2drive. it's just steam that they don't want anywhere close to their games :P

    Posted Aug 05, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS - Ah okay, I didn't know that. I thought EA was being snooty and keeping Battlefield 3 sales all to themselves... The more you know :P


    Posted Aug 06, 2011

  • Delay or not, I'm going to play BF3 anyway.

    Posted Aug 08, 2011

  • well this aint good for some gamers EA seem to be up to something.

    Posted Aug 09, 2011

  • @Sleven - it's not a delay. read the article :( it's just not going to be sold through steam.

    Posted Aug 09, 2011

  • I'll be getting the hard copy anyway. Still, I do wish EA and Steam would get this worked out.

    Posted Aug 11, 2011

  • sounds like ea has a case of activision syndrome, starting to get money hungry

    Posted Aug 13, 2011

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