Men Prefer Games To Sex

By fishdalf, Posted 02 Apr 2009

According to a recent survey a third of all men would rather play video games than have sex with their partner. One thousand British males were asked in total, and when asked whether they would rather go without a night of passion just to play a new gaming title the result was that a staggering 72 percent of those in relationships would.

I just hope they weren’t questioned in front of their other halves; otherwise some of them may just get their wish.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed

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  • As fas as I'm concerned, that's a negative for me Sir Tongue out

    Posted Apr 02, 2009
  • wow, thats um, for lack of a better term, f***** up

    Posted Apr 02, 2009
  • Hahahaha. Maybe with a new GTA or Final Fantasy. But other than that

    Posted Apr 02, 2009
  • I'm sure we're all big gamers here, but c'mon, why would you pick a game over the lady?

    Posted Apr 02, 2009
  • ... I would take the sex since the game will be there the next day, and she might not. XD I LOVES ME THE LADIES


    (another reason we don't like the brits. When you want to button mash over butt mash there's a a problem you silly little addicted lonely person)

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • Haha, while i won't give my personal opinion; this survey does seem a little off-the-mark.

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • Bullcrap. They probably asked mostly ladyless lads.

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • Apparently every single person asked were in relationships... Surprised

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • That wouldn't be the case with me

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • avatar RON

    why not we have a poll on this and see how our users respond.
    and, i'd say it's a positive for me BUT it depends who my partner is. not incase if she's Rachel Weisz :P

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • Wait, really? I was expecting the exact opposite. :P

    Posted Apr 03, 2009
  • That's shocking. We will stop existing if this spreads too far -_-

    Posted Apr 04, 2009
  • The real question must have been : Would you prefer a PES2009 night or sex ? Tongue out

    Posted Apr 05, 2009
  • As Woozie said, that's really shocking.

    Posted Apr 06, 2009
  • no comments...Sealed

    Posted Apr 12, 2009
  • I am not surprised to know that people prefer video games instead Sex.

    In US, 70% of Gamers (Casual, Hardcore etc) have more than 20 Years (includes Girls).

    We are in XXI Century people, There are new kind of styles, cultures etc......Metro Sexual, then appears ''Techno Sexual'' (Note: Sexual doesn't mean to Sex, it means another thing).

    Anyway, I can say a lot of things about this kind of nature.


    Posted Apr 12, 2009
  • Depending on what game...

    Posted Apr 15, 2009
  • It'll be hard to find a man who prefers game than sex.

    Posted Apr 17, 2009
  • Guys should know it better...but i think it would be a negative for everyone!Tongue out

    Posted Apr 25, 2009
  • No comments about this...

    Posted May 01, 2009
  • to be honest this sounds wierd :P

    Posted May 16, 2009
  • Wow...this is strange news...I don't think I'll say any further lol

    Posted May 19, 2009
  • Maybe its to do with the partner? If my missus wouldn't put out then i'd gladly sleep on the couch for a night and play Fallout for something to do =p

    Posted May 25, 2009
  • comment

    Posted Jun 21, 2009
  • Funny! :D

    I wonder how much would be the percent if those new games featured erotic content... :P

    Posted Jun 26, 2009
  • hmmmm depends....hahaha Laughing

    Posted Jul 17, 2009
  • Lol I would rather get under the sheets than play a game. :P

    Posted Jul 26, 2009
  • You take what you can get Tongue out

    Posted Aug 26, 2009
  • aww hellz yeh games are good but sex... out of the question

    Posted Oct 21, 2009

  • hey @jewel how r u ??

    Posted Jan 07, 2010

  • Hmm... At least the games doesn't get a headache when you want to have some fun :P

    Posted Jan 13, 2010

  • @jewel hey any good news??

    Posted Jan 14, 2010

  • @RON bhai ithink notification works ....

    Posted Jan 14, 2010

  • its British people come on

    Posted Apr 17, 2010

  • It's funny, when i was younger ( a long time ago... ) the  day when Street Fighter Zero 3 was lauched for the PSONE, i was really excited to play the game, then i called to my girlfriend to tell him that i was sick and i couldn't go out with her that night...but as long i can remember that was the only time i did that ( by the way, she never knew...) 

    Posted Mar 31, 2011

  • heck thats like saying you rather have games then a girlfriend, sorry but i aint that into games lol

    Posted Mar 31, 2011

  • Well, old post..but, hey depending on the game...i might give up that night...there will be plenty more nights for sex

    Posted Oct 06, 2011

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