Beyond Good & Evil 2 was surely in my most anticipated E3 announcements (read our review here), though I was so distracted by many of the other games showcased at the event that I shamefully forgot about it. Now that last week’s events have long since passed, I’ve finally had time to think about everything, especially the reason why a BG&E sequel was nonexistent during E3 2011. In an interview with Eurogamer, Michel Ancel, the mastermind behind the first Beyond Good & Evil and the Rayman series revealed that BG&E 2 is “too ambitious” of a project for current-gen consoles, that the PS3 and 360 might not be able to handle whatever content or power the game has.


Yeah, Jade. I know how you feel.


"I think we are still thinking about what we have to cut to fit on today's consoles, what we can improve,” Ancel said. “We really want to make the game perfect and as good as possible without cutting things. There is special gameplay that we really want to keep but it needs a certain power."


The reason why the game’s development is taking so long is because of Ancel’s decision to focus on Rayman: Origins, which is slated for release this year on the PS3, 360, and Wii. He also described BG&E 2’s development process being “advanced but we need more time to go further because with the hardware and the engine we have to improve it.”


“We took a little break and decided to make a 2D Rayman game because today's consoles are capable of really incredible 2D graphics and nobody has really used those abilities to display very HD pictures at 60FPS,” Ancel continued.


Whatever Ancel’s got cooked up for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still under wraps, and we’ll unfortunately have to wait for years to know more, when the Playstation 4, Xbox 720 and/or any other system that joins the next crop of next-gen platforms are eventually released.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed.

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  • I'm excited for Rayman, and if that means they have to push it back, that's fine by me.

    But man, that game have been teased for a long time. I wonder which is going to come out first: Beyond Good & Evil 2 or Half-Life 2: Episode 3 (or even better: Half-Life 3)?

    Posted Jun 15, 2011

  • *glares at wii u*

    Posted Jun 16, 2011

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