Rumor: Metal Gear Solid HD

By canana, Posted 17 Apr 2011

The PlayStation 3 Magazine this month raised a rumor that  was dead on the Internet. According to the magazine, Sony is preparing another release of remastered classics from past generations. The company will announce an HD version of one of its biggest franchises still in the next E3.



Rumors about a Solid Snake's story appeared earlier this year, but disappeared after the lack of evidence. However, the description given by the  PlayStation 3 magazine may well describe the franchise and the largest gaming event in the world can be a great venue for an announcement of this magnitude.

Marco Cecilio
, NoobFeed

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  • Snake!!!! *rolling on floor*.. Snake!!!

    Best news I heard today

    Posted Apr 18, 2011



    Sweetness gracious

    Posted Apr 18, 2011

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