Come one, come all! It’s time for another exciting, epic edition of the NoobFeed Community Blog! I’m your host, David Gabriel and I will be bringing you the latest happenings and events on the NoobFeed front! In case you haven’t noticed yet, Pokemon Black/White is out this week! If you haven’t purchased your copy yet, do it now! Get off your lazy bum and go get it! And if not, well, shame on you! I will be writing a review for the White version, and will be up sometime this week.


So without further ado, here are the latest updates in the NoobFeed community.



Psst! Hey! Did you hear? NoobFeed launched its podcast yesterday. In our inaugural episode, fellow NoobFeed writer Josh McCaul and I discussed what went down at the Game Developers Conference last week. Oh, and um, give our podcast a listen, why don’t ya?


Special Events

As I mentioned earlier, we’re holding a contest for our podcast! We’re planning to do it as a bi-weekly thing, though we need your help, NoobFeeders! We need an official name and intro/outro jingle(s) for our podcast. There will be a contest held for it, so if you’ve got some ideas for the ones mentioned above, join in on the fun! You never know, you might win something! An emblem perhaps? Some cool swag? You’ll never know for sure until you check it out! More details about it in this forum link.


User Blogs

It’s always nice to see the NoobFeed community voice their opinions regarding the gaming world.  These blogs are definitely worth a read. Check them out, yeah?

Games for the masses: A real necessity by Koshai

Gaming Gadgets Digest (March Edition) by Koshai

Mass Effect Two Under the Top. by FrostKing

Next Gen Tech by Setho10

NoobFeed 2.0 by serbsta

Apple’s Impact on the Gaming Industry by Andrew


And that ends this edition of the NoobFeed Community Blog. Be sure to keep a keen eye out on more content this esteemed NoobFeed community has to offer. Until then! Farewell!


Oh, and did I mention Pokemon Black/White’s out today?


David Gabriel, NoobFeed.

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  • Some fantastic blogs right there.

    I've listened to most of the podcast, still need to finish it, but great work so far guys!

    And yes! You lucky things. In Australia, I have to wait 2 more days for Pokemon Black/White.

    Posted Mar 08, 2011

  • @Yuna7780 Awesome, hope you enjoyed it!

    @caityful Blogs are indeed awesome. Hope you enjoy the rest of the podcast, you have 13 days (until the next one is released :P).

    Posted Mar 08, 2011

  • Nicely done Gabriel. Podcast contest is gonna be awesome :D

    Posted Mar 10, 2011

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