Last year’s Medal of Honor wasn’t exactly hit with critical praise, though it wasn’t a terrible game either (read our review for it). Publisher Electronic Arts was a little worried about how the game would sell, but according to Gamespot it turned out for the better, with Medal of Honor shipping over 5 million units, classifying it as a hit. Because of that, EA has now green-lit the production Medal of Honor 2, which was first announced by executive producer Greg Goodrich in the official Medal of Honor website.


More beardz.


This Medal of Honor sequel will be handled by Danger Close, the same developer who worked on the first game. It is currently unknown if DICE will be handling the multiplayer side of the game (as they did on the first). DICE is currently working on Battlefield 3; additionally, Joystiq claims the developer has cancelled other projects to focus on the latter.


“Since our launch last October, we've studied, listened and absorbed much of your feedback and are very excited to be marching forward on the next title. We can't wait to tell you more about it, so check back often to the website and the fan page on Facebook,” Goodrich says.


So far, EA hasn’t said anything on a release window yet, but as always, keep an eye out for that. It’s great to know EA is looking to improve things on the sequel. And who knows? This could be a strong competitor against Call of Duty. Just work on your beard physics and you’ll be fine…hopefully.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed.

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  • This time I'll wait for reviews and possible bugs when the game releases. Still, Medal of Honor is winning over Call of Duty, in terms of bugs, disappointements and...facial hair...

    Posted Feb 21, 2011

  • I'm just waiting for the first game to fall at a very cheap price to try it out, hopefully this means it'll go down even quicker.

    Posted Feb 21, 2011

  • I swear I'm no at all excited. Previous one was really disappointing.

    Posted Feb 21, 2011
  • Can they make this one actually good this time?
    Posted Feb 21, 2011

  • We'll see. Take it as a grain of salt, if you will.

    Posted Feb 22, 2011

  • dont really see myself getting excited for this game LOL canana's comment actully made me laugh.

    Posted Feb 22, 2011

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