Recently, NoobFeed landed an interview with Brynley Gibson, the game developer of the addictive XBLA and Steam puzzle game Chime from Zoë Mode.
During the interview, Gibson dropped the news that the follow-up to Chime has been officially announced, Chime Super Deluxe for Playstation Network, which will include several new tracks as well as the game's first foray into multiplayer space in the form of co-op and versus play. Our exclusive interview is Zoë Mode's first on this new title.

Chime screen 1

Here is an excerpt from the interview:
NoobFeed: How did the original idea for Chime materialize?

Brynley Gibson: The genesis of the concept came from our Audio Director Ciaran Walsh. He had the idea of a puzzle game where the player would be solving a puzzle in a set space and then within that space and by solving the puzzle you would be manipulating music. From that initial concept the game was prototyped in the Lab which was Zoë Mode’s ideas gestation team. This team headed up by our Creative Director Ste Curran were focused on prototypes made with a fast turn around to prove out various new ideas. Chime was one of the most successful games concepted in the Lab and there was always a strong desire to do something with it. Right from the concept to the full development and through the natural process off refining the design, rounding off the edges and polishing up the gameplay the core of Chime remained true to that original idea.

NF: So you intended to make music a big part of this game from the start?

BG: The music manipulation was in from the start and it was the puzzle game and rule set that changed the most during development. Ciaran’s concept had the concept of individual shape placement playing notes, the idea of the backing track developing as the puzzle neared completion and the idea of each section solved playing a more robust sample of music. That is a summary of what the end user experiences but there is a lot more technical depth and detail. It is this that gives freedom to the musicians who are making tracks for Chime and allows the game to handle any type of music we want to throw at it.
Visit our features page for the full interview! You can also go here to read NoobFeed's review of Chime.
Matt Buckley, NoobFeed
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  • Cool stuff.
    Posted Jan 31, 2011

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