Regarded as one of the best RPGs of all time, Chrono Trigger is a game that can win more and more fans over the years. However, this is not enough to make the game get a sequel better than that seen in Chrono Cross. To solve this problem, a group of players decided to put their hands to work and created their own sequel.

Using the same sprites and visual elements from the original game, the game received the title of Crimson Echoes. Who has tested the new game said that there are some differences, like the fact that the hero Crono participate in the dialogues. However, in general, criticism has been very positive and seems to have pleased the fans.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • doesnt really look like the type of game i would play :P

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • w000000ttttt i must have!!!! sqeenix must make it official and make it work so!!!

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • wait you mean chrono cross is a fan-made game? :o :P


    "crimson echoes"? is this a speed metal band formed by 14 year olds or a game?

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • Chrono i thought i would never see you again thank goodness for fans these days and is it a online game?

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • Don't care for Chrono Trigger. Meh.

    Posted Jan 21, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS nah cross was an original title. in my opinion it had a great was just kinda ruined by the 50 something playable characters...that made it really horrible in my opinion. however, the whole Magus/Schala/Lavos/Lucca. story was really great

    Posted Jan 21, 2011

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