Imagine using your iPad to play old games from the arcades of the 80's using the classic control structure - joystick and buttons - like a real arcade machine. This is a curious proposal and was presented to the public during CES 2011.


Named iCade, an addition to the iPad that will turn into a  miniature pinball machine. Together with the small cabin, the iCade also brings several of apps with classic titles from the 70's and 80's and can be found already on sale in the manufacturer's site for $99.

The joystick and buttons are integrated into the iPad via Bluetooth. However, if you do not want to play with them, you can use the games normally on the handset screen. The company has partnered with Atari and the package includes several games of the company. The iCade was developed by ION and you can check out more information about it on the official website.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • That is so sweet!

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • This is amazing! This has got to be the best idea for an Ipad accessory yet!

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • Now THESE guys do know how to win the old school gamer over with something simple yet horribly awesome.

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • Superb idea!

    Posted Jan 10, 2011

  • cool...... :o

    Posted Jan 10, 2011

  • that is real noob right there!! ;D

    Posted Jan 13, 2011

  • I want this and a ipad

    Posted Jan 15, 2011

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