After numerous delays and near-constant silence, 2K Marin's XCOM shooter seemed to have been reworked into a third-person squad-based sort of shooter, according to screenshots obtained by Kotaku.

The shots come from a supposed marketing survey that Kotaku's tipster received. The game is now pitched as a third-person shooter in which you command a four-man squard of special agents. Originally it was a first-person shooter when announced at E3 2010.

Interestingly, the survey asks players' thoughts on XCOM being a downloadable title for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (the only platforms mentioned), instead of a $60 game at retail.

When asked for comment, 2K said the following: "We have not made any new announcements regarding the XCOM title currently in development at 2K Marin, and it is our policy not to comment on rumors or speculation."

XCOM has been delayed multiple times since its original announcement. Most recently, the game was pushed to a release window between April 2013 and March 2014.

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

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  • I feel like because the fact that the game has been delayed several times, it may either attract certain gamers or actually repent them,  i also feel like it has great potential, i wish they kept up to their word though! nicely done though very well done! 

    Posted Oct 07, 2012

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