Finally confirming a long series of rumors that began at the very end of October 2011, Sony last night unveiled the much-known existance of its mash-up, Smash Bros-inspired brawler. It's titled PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale.

The game takes an assortment of characters from various Sony properties and pits them against each other in a variety of environments also from said properties. The released footage shows Kratos of God of War fame, Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper from... Sly Cooper, and Pararppa from Parappa the Rapper all duking it out, sometimes using crazy over-the-top moves that no doubt instantly knock a few players out of the ring, across locations that combine at least two different games.


For instance: a futuristic city clearly modeled after those from Ratchet and Clank, where eventually the hydras from God of War will suddenly appear and begin snapping at playeers. Another is seeing Hades fighting with the Patapon guys (who I really hope end up being playable characters) in the background. The levels appear to be multi-tiered, just like those in Nintendo's own mash-up fighting game.

There have been reports that the game will also incorperate third-party characters, but I haven't been able to find where that was mentioned. The game hasn't been given an official release window yet, but rumors, I believe, pegged it as coming in the fall, or thereabouts. Regardless, Superbot Entertainment, the young and new studio behind this project, confirmed there will be more info come E3.

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

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  • I also saw a Helghast soldier fighting and Fat Princess. I am certain Drake and Snake will make some appearance. Crash, Racthet, Spyro, Daniel Fortesque (from the Medieval games), and guy from God Hand should make an appearance. Perhaps maybe even from Final Fantasy characters that we can beat the crap out of.

    Posted Apr 27, 2012

  • @demoman -- I think Drake and Snake were said to be in it. Don't think it has been officially confirmed, though. Might have just been rumor-talk.

    Spyro would be a cool addition, so long as they don't model him after the design from the more recent games.

    Posted Apr 27, 2012

  • sounds fun....they sure took their time :/

    Posted Apr 28, 2012

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