By now, you might now that has teamed up with Square Enix and will be delivering their classic releases through their site. For fans of flagship titles like Hitman and Deus Ex, this is very good news. Even better news is that thanks to the good people of you can win a code for one of these two games right here! Here are the terms:

Square Enix Deus Ex Hitman Giveaway


Method 1: Follow @Daavpuke on Twitter and simply retweet this message. That’s it; I’m that nice.


Method 2: Not on Twitter? Then leave a comment below with your preference of either Deus Ex or Hitman and specify why you’d like to win it. It’s just that simple. We reserve the right to deny gratuitous “Hitman, free game now!” replies.

Winners will be contacted by message on NoobFeed, so please register if you haven’t yet. I’m personally aware of eventual registering issues, for which I apologize (even though I’m not a site admin).

And lastly, hurry up! We will distribute the codes to the rule of “First Come, First Serve!”

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

comments powered by Disqus

  • Server is taking its sweet time, so here's the retweet message. Good luck y'all!

    Posted Jan 27, 2012

  • Deus Ex, please. Because I remember playing a demo of it years and years ago and enjoying it but never actually had a copy. Plus, I hear it's a pretty... monumental game. So seeing what all the hubbub is about would is something too, I guess.

    (Sorry if that's not very good reasoning. I'm not too good at coming up with that stuff on the spot. So, uh... yeah.)

    Posted Jan 27, 2012

  • Wow, we're already out of Deus Ex copies dudes and gals! Still got some Hitman!

    Posted Jan 27, 2012

  • I'd take a hitman copy! I have Deus Ex but always wondered about hitman....Well if you feel like adding to my collection that is! :O If it goes to no one rambling again. How many Hitmans are there?

    Posted Feb 02, 2012

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