There are a lot of deals this holiday season. Actually, just about every outlet has great deals, so I’d have a full-time job just reporting all of those. Instead, I think it’s safe to say that little of these promotions will be as incredible as the newly announced Humble Indie Bundle.


NoobFeed News - Humble Indie Bundle 4 Beyond Epic [Bit.Meat Shanktown HD]


That’s right; the Humble guys are back, after spewing several smaller bundles in rapid succession. This time though, this is the official Humble Indie Bundle 4, and it’s probably the best one yet. Don’t believe me? That’s fine; I’ll just drop a list of names here:


·         Jamestown

·         Bit.Trip Runner

·         Super Meat Boy

·         Shank

·         Nightsky HD


And if you pay more than the average, currently under 5 dollars:

·         Cave Story+

·         Gratuitous Space Battles


Fus Ro, copyright infringement.


Here are some other interesting facts: In the short time it’s been active, there have been 44000 purchases and an absolutely insane donation by a certain @Humblebrony, which appears to be an organization to further boost the charity aspect of the action. Oh, did I mention you’d be getting all this awesomeness and helping out your fellow man in this time of need? It’s the season, guys.


NoobFeed News - Humble Indie Bundle 4 Beyond Epic [Bit.Meat Shanktown HD]


That said, IndieRoyale also has a nice line-up of equally affordable indie titles, amongst whom the BlackWell Trilogy. You should totally check them out. And that’s without mentioning that Gamersgate will be having mad discounts this week, like The Witcher 2 for 20 bucks tomorrow. Well, shucks; looks like it just got mentioned.


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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  • I actually have all the games I want from this bundle, but it is an absolutely amazing collection I've been recommending to anyone who plays games.

    Posted Dec 15, 2011

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